Pixels & code #20 – Web Design weekly links not to miss

Pixels & code #20 – Web Design weekly links not to miss

This content is 10 years old. Remember that the following content might be outdated.

Every week I post a lot of my daily readings about Web, UI and UX Design, HTML and CSS, webdesign tools  and ressources and inspiration on twitter and other social networks. I decided to put them all together in one place at the end of the week, in case you missed some. They are classified in different categories with some tags so that you can quickly select what you are interested in. Happy reading.
Articles to read


UX Tools of the Trade, what can you find on a UX designer desk ?
UX Tools of the Trade 

15 tiny UX elements that can make a big difference with some nice practical tips


How to Sell your Skills as a UXer

#UX #Mobile

View mode” approach to responsive web design, rethinking the way we build webapps to create a better user experience regardless of screen size
“View mode” approach to responsive web design


On the Fear of Failure, “Often in our profession, we forget that failure is just as valuable as success”
#Desgin process

Desinging Products that scale, the design system and style guide behind Salesforce1
Designing Products that scale




Landyachtz // Longboard Graphics // 2013 some longboard illustrations

Soyuz coffee, nice onepage website for roasted coffee


An Inspirational Collection Of Icon Sketches

Band Posters some crazy colorful band posters

Band Posters


#Brand Guidelines

Brand Guidelines for Santa, a fun idea


Beautifully  Fashion Playing Cards you can get via a kickstarter <3

Fashion Playing Cards


#Responsive Sidebar

Imitating calc() Fallback or Fixed-Width Sidebar In Responsive Layout on using calc() to create fluid % layout with a fixed gutter in em between

Useful ressources


Type Rendering Mix, a JavaScript to handle anti-aliased fonts in  OS X and Windows 7

Type Rendering Mix


Stop asking your clients: “What browser are you on?



Cute Christmas icons

Cute Christmas icons

Fun and impressive demos


Exploring canvas drawing techniques some nice little demos


The read you can’t miss:


Why Bother with Accessibility? many reasons why you SHOULD bother with accessibility

Why Bother with Accessibility?